Monday, August 16, 2010

The Woes of Writing

                Writing. I like it and hate it all at the same time. I have recently started writing more than the strange thoughts that pop up in my head, such as the book I had been writing for years now. I have been putting it up on a site for original works to get feedback on it and I think I have officially hit the wall on people who are interesting. It seems that even though I have added four new chapter’s in the past two days, I have only have four visitors and none of them have left comments. Also, none of them have read the actual new chapters. It makes me wonder, what is wrong with book type thing? Is it the basic idea behind it? Is it the main character? Is it the writing itself? No one is really giving me anything to work with and the person who used to before I didn’t update for months, has not said anything. I wish I knew what the problem was. Everyone at home I’ve read it to says they like it even when I ask for honest honest answers. I find this very unhelpful. What to do, what to do …

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