Friday, August 20, 2010

Stalked By Butterflies

Yesterday I found myself be stalked by butterflies. It was rather strange. One was a black, orange and yellow one that followed me on my mile walk. I have absolutely no problem with butterflies on them following me, it was just weird. All the butterfly did was cruise around with me very similar to what Maggie would do when we would take the exact same walk. The other butterflies were at Garrett’s house when I went to feed the cats with Tyler. They came down and met us at the bottom of the driveway and followed us to the house. Then when we left, they were still outside and followed us back down to the street. I don’t know where they keep coming from and why they are following me, but it’s kind of cool. It makes me feel special. Before Maggie passed away, a black one kept following me around. When I looked it up, it said it represented death. I even check it in other culture beliefs and it all came out the same. In light of what I found out about Maggie after being stalked by black butterflies for days, I looked up this particular type of butterfly. I didn’t find anything really specific, except that they are lucky. After search for awhile, I came across a Native American entry that said that when a butterfly follows you like that (especially if it is similar to someone you known’s behavior) it is a loved one following you around. It came be because they miss you, they worry about you, or they can sense you need them again. It was really interesting and it hit home really hard. I have always loved Native American culture. It is so amazingly spiritual. They don’t waist anything and they respect the earth for what she has given them. Reading about it made me miss the culture and also remind me about how I dislike certain parts of Wicca. If there was a religion that was like the Native American religion, included the three fold and pay respects to the god and goddess, as well as Yin and Yang I would be part of it. The interesting this about different beliefs is that they belong to different cultures. If you are mixed culture, why not embrace mixed beliefs? I don’t mean that as a confusion type way, I mean that as taking parts to create a new whole. I know it probably doesn’t make much sense, the connection of butterflies to beliefs/religion, but to me it does. I like the idea that there is a giant mix of energy that surrounds the earth like an atmosphere. Just like I believe balance is important and so is the threefold or Karma.
Anyways, back to the butterflies. The butterfly that followed me around made me think of Maggie and how she was taking her walk with me like we always used to do. Sometimes I would go for a walk because I needed to burn energy and she would come with me. She would trot right along side of me and smell everything she could. After surgery, we would go for slow walks because neither of us could really handle anything fast. We would hobble along and cheer each other on at the end. Sometimes we would look at each other, sigh and then look forward. We looked absolutely pathetic sometimes. It was funny. We were like two pees in a pod. Yesterday was my first walk since she passed and I think she might have been there with me making sure I was alright. Who knows, but I like to think she’s with me.

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