Sunday, August 15, 2010

The Big Toe Incident

Ah, the big toe incident. On Friday I was at Port Discovery in Baltimore with Garrett. Well during the first 10 minutes of being there I hurt myself. It was rather painful and funny. I was determined not to let it ruin the day for Garrett so I kept going. Sure it hurt a lot and I had to walk funny, but I think he enjoyed himself. We even walked to Hard Rock because Garrett was able to eat there. Not too long after lunch though we called it a day after hitting the gift shop. I think he had fun, he seemed to anyways. It sucks I couldn’t do a whole lot with him, but lucky Jen was able to crawl around in that awesome three story play area. Anyways, I get home and my toe is pretty pissed at this point, but I’m in an eh oh well mood. Well it takes my mom pulling my shoe off for me to well, to get it off. Anyways, I thought it might be ok but after taking off the shoe it got progressively worse. This ended with me at the hospital, which was the last place I wanted to be. I actually ended up making up strange songs about cutting it off while sitting and waiting. My toe is not broken which is always a good thing, but now no one really knows what is going on. Surprise there. I have to call my foot doc on Monday to see when he would like to take a look at it and piss it off more. It still hurts really badly, but it would be so much worse. The only thing that really peeves me about the whole thing is that my big toe is causing me so much pain. Something that is so tiny is more painful than my ankle has been for over a month. I find the whole situation amusing and disappointing at the same time. Oh well, guess we’ll see what happens. Until next time!

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