Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Dreams, Pain, and Possible Hallucinations

The past couple of nights have been rather interesting. Things like strange dreams, pains, and a possible hallucination. I dream every night and for the most part I remember them, quite vividly. People complain that my dreams are too long and detailed. I guess that’s just another quark of mine.
Let’s start with Sunday night. I had been asleep for about 2 and a half hours at this point. Pressure changes wake me up sometimes, like my door opening and I think that’s what woke me up. I thought I had heard the door move and assumed it was my boyfriend coming in to check on me. When I opened my eyes and glanced over at the door, it was moved. It was much further open then it had been. Well, I caught something out the corner of my eye and looked over. A guy, who I thought was my boyfriend, was staring at me. It completely freaked me out. They just kept staring at me. Well this is kind of how it went.
“Oh my god Tyler, you scared the crap out of me.”
Guy keeps staring.
Keeps on staring.
Keeps staring.
At this point my voice was getting quitter and staring to sound freaked out as I sink into my bed and pillow. This guy, who I swore was my boyfriend, kept staring at me in a very scary way.
No answer. The guy kept staring. I slowly reached for my phone to call Tyler, who I could now here in the room next to me. Finally, I grabbed it and the phone started ringing. I shifted some and the guy disappeared. When Tyler answered, I sat up and the door went back to the way it had been. I was completely freaked out. I made him search my room.
As for last night, I had been an interesting dream involving my mom. She was going on a date with some guy and she was nervous. It was very cute. Well after she left it flashed to two years later and the guy was proposing to her. She told him she didn’t want to add the stress of marriage to their perfect relationship. He told her he completely understood and told her to keep the ring and wear it like an engagement ring. He told her that if she changed her mind, just to let him know. It was adorable. It felt so real, like I was actually there. I was so happy for her and when the alarm woke me up I was rather sad to find out that it wasn’t real. I wish it had been. She deserves to be happy.
Now waking up because of pain is pretty normal unfortunately. I guess that’s not that big of a deal. It was mostly the other two that were worth writing about. Anyways, that’s basically it. Peace.

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