Wednesday, July 21, 2010


I like dreams. For more than one reason. They are a way that my imagination comes to life. Even the one’s I don’t like I think about for hours trying to figure out what exactly is going on. No matter how many times I’ve looked at dream books to decipher them, my gut tells me they aren’t always right. Sometimes I think my dreams are telling me acting what I am seeing. Almost as if they are for seeing something. It is not like that hasn’t happened before. Most of them time those dreams are just strange to me because they aren’t strange. If something surreal isn’t happening in my dreams, I feel like there is something wrong with them. The example of the for seeing would be a few years before the movie Signs came out. I dreamed about the part where they see the alien’s reflection in the TV and it is holding the little boy. I woke up crhying that night and wasn’t able to go back to sleep. Then a few years later, after the dream, I was in the movies watching the movie with my family. When that scene came on I freaked out and almost screamed. I had to burry my face in my hands as I cried. I still can’t watch that movie because of that dream.
I have a tendency to remember at least one dream a night. Sometimes I remember multiple, even when I’m heavily medicated. Last night IK had two dreams that in a way blended together. I don’t even think they were supposed to because I didn’t even seem to remember it in my second one. The first one was in a strange house that was trying to attack and kill my father and I. IK had gone in to save someone, but I’m not sure who. I don’t remember a whole lot about it, but I do remember when we were out of the house on the porch which was suspended over water. The water just touched the bottom step. Something grabbed my leg and started pulling me in and Tyler grabbed onto me to save me. No matter how hard he pulled he wasn’t strong enough. I thought I was going to die. Then my mom grabbed onto him and started pulling as well, until finally I was pulled free. I flew over their heads and slammed into a very think pillar. When I hit the ground I hurt all over and it turned into an outer body experience. I was looking at myself, seeing the blood creeping out my eyes, nose and mouth. I coughed as they told me how sorry they were. I said it was ok and then I said my heart hurt so much. I kept repeating it until everything went black
The dream then turned to me getting off of another porch type thing when I looked at my left hand and started freaking out. I couldn’t find my wedding rings, they had fallen off my hands even though they had just been there. My cousin Joe handed them to me and laughed saying they had just fallen off. I explained that they had to be resized and he said that was alright considering I had just gotten married. I then started walking around this strange shopping type place that was like an outdoor outlet. I was looking at all the restraints and browsing their menus. Apparently I had been put on a mission to find a good place for my mom, sister and I to eat dinner while everyone else partied at the house. We just didn’t want to be there for some reason, but she was waiting for my sister before she caught up. I ran into girls from girl scouts that I had never really gotten along with. I was nice though and told them about the restraints before I went on my way. When I circled back around I saw my mom and sister waiting for me, when I all of a sudden noticed a restaurant in the middle that I hadn’t noticed before. We ended up going there to eat, but my dream skipped over that part. It then started back when we were walking into the house when I went looking for Tyler, who I was married to. I was panicing because I couldn’t find him. The place was built in a wheel and spokes design with tons of rooms and a hall the circled the whole place. I found him in one of the rooms and I asked him where the baby was. He was like, what baby? I started freaking out that he didn’t know where our daughter was and all he had to do was keep her hear by. She was still little enough that she was in a carrier and would sleep. I found her hanging in a closet in her baby carrier. Not like she was dead, the handle was what was hooked. I had to get past all these weird creatures to get her. I did not like the end of that dream, but the beginning was amazing. I was so happy and content. Everything felt perfect.
I’m not sure what that dream was telling me. Well, either of them for that matter. When I told my mom about it she just kind of “hmm”’d me. Who knows. Just think, all of that happened during a nap. You can only imagine how long the ones I have at night are.

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