Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Intro To Massage: The Saga Begins

Tonight is my first day of massage class, which also means that first day of working on one of my degrees. If all goes as planned, I will have an associates in an Associates in Applied Science which would also make me a Certified Massage Therapists by the end of summer. I have to say I am rather excited about that. It not only means I will actually have at least one degree from years in school, but that one will be done before I even start nursing. Unfortunately, that dream is a little fuzzy right now because only so many people can make it into the program at AACC. However, that does not mean that I can't get it else where. I would just prefer to get it there and then go get my RN Midwife certificate. I am nervous, but I'm very excited as well. I think I would feel better about tonight if I wasn't sick. I just feel horrible about possibly having to massage someone if I am sneezing and coughing. Not only does that sound gross, but I really don't want to make anyone sick. That's just rude. Well, I'll keep you posted. Wish me luck!

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