Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Where Has It All Gone

Tick, Tick, Tick,
It’s everywhere,
Taunting me,
It screams at me,
“You’re running out of time,”
After only 20 years of life,
I’m running out to time,
Surgery upon surgery,
Eggs dying,
My dreams with them,
Find a perfect love,
I’m running out of time,
I might not even be able to,
My life in the balance,

Sunday, September 12, 2010

A Quick Review

I haven't updated for awhile, but that's besides the point. I would like to bring up a few things, like the Nissan Leaf. It's interesting. I read a bit about it and it is an electric car. Mind you I haven't heard about any bugs yet, but it isn't for sale yet either. I just really like it because of the polar bear commercial. Now, for why I haven't been updating. I have been writing my story that I came up with when I was 10. It has morphed since then, but the same basic idea still applies. I am sad to see that it has lost popularity after chapter 2 by about 75%. I can't figure out why, and no one will give me any feed back as to what is wrong with it. I love good feedback, but bad feedback is more helpful. At least then I know what to fix. If you want to read it, hit me up. I'm more than happy to send it your way. :)

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Word Usage

It's interesting how people use words. Like names, how people refer to someone else. My mom today asked me if I call her mom or mommy. Mind you this was during a story I was telling her so it caught me off guard. Anyways, I told her mom and then I corrected myself and said I call her mum. Then she said what do you call your father and I was like Daddy, or sometimes Dad. Normally it's daddy though. She was said that was interesting. I responded with a why? She said well you call me Mum and your father Daddy. It just shows the little girl in you and how much you love him and miss him. I found that interesting.
I guess it is true though, my dad will always be my daddy. I always refer to him as that, even when I'm on the phone talking to him. I say things like "Daddy?" or "I love you daddy." I do love him though like I was a little girl. I miss him, my dad that was mine when I was little. Everything changed around the age of thirteen and I felt like I lost him. A great example of this is in an earlier post. Anyways, I found him again recently and I love that. He's my daddy. I hope he always will be and it doesn't bother me that I act like a little girl or that my little girl comes through. He's my dad and I love him.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Animal Abuse

I have heard about animal abuse and I have seen the after affects. I have seen the commercials and the TV shows where people are saving those animals. I have never ever seen someone light a live kitten on fire, video it and watch it burn to death. Why would someone ever do that! To any animal! I was completely astonished, pissed off and disgusted all at once when I saw the images. I can't even mentally come up with anything else to say about this I am so baffled, angry and disgusted. I actually wish someone would do that to her. Light her on fire and make her run around screaming. However, that wouldn't solve anything and that would be wrong. I would never really wish that on someone no matter how appealing it may seem in my brain at the time of the thought.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Intro To Massage: The Saga Begins

Tonight is my first day of massage class, which also means that first day of working on one of my degrees. If all goes as planned, I will have an associates in an Associates in Applied Science which would also make me a Certified Massage Therapists by the end of summer. I have to say I am rather excited about that. It not only means I will actually have at least one degree from years in school, but that one will be done before I even start nursing. Unfortunately, that dream is a little fuzzy right now because only so many people can make it into the program at AACC. However, that does not mean that I can't get it else where. I would just prefer to get it there and then go get my RN Midwife certificate. I am nervous, but I'm very excited as well. I think I would feel better about tonight if I wasn't sick. I just feel horrible about possibly having to massage someone if I am sneezing and coughing. Not only does that sound gross, but I really don't want to make anyone sick. That's just rude. Well, I'll keep you posted. Wish me luck!