Sunday, June 6, 2010

Tristan, The Nephew

My nephew’s birthday is coming up on the 9th and I have to say that I am very excited for him to get his package in the mail. I finally finished his Christmas present. I know, I know, it is June. Well, medical reasons kept me from accomplishing it. I think it came out pretty good and I worked on it really hard. Jodon said he wouldn’t rat me out that it’s so late. Gotta love brothers. I haven’t met my very first nephew, not that I have a niece, I just don’t know what you would call the first kid that made you an Aunt. Unfortunately, between my ankle and the fact that he is on the other side of the country, I have not been able to meet him yet. I do get to see amazing pictures and videos thanks to his dad. I feel like I stalk my brother on the internet because I’m afraid I’ll miss something between him and my nephew. I’m not purposely excluding my sister-in-law, I just haven’t really spent time with her to get to know her. She seems nice and all, she just lives on the other side of the country and they don’t visit often. Even though I haven’t met my nephew, between the videos, pictures, and hearing him on the phone I feel like I sorta know him. I love that kid to death; I mean his is part of the family in all. I’m obligated to kill for him if necessary.

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