Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Pictures From Reunion Weekend

My two favorite images from camp. I just really wanted to post them. They have not been edited at all. :( I need photoshop back.

Wonderful World of Worry

Welcome to the wonderful world of worry. Population, billions. Though at this very point in time, well for what I’m writing about, I’m the important person. Which is very conceded, but it is my blog so I should write what I please. Wow, that’s mean. Anyways, it seems that my weird pigeon toe problem is getting worse. Not only does my big toe hurt more now, but three of my other toes hurt as well. It is slowly, well that not completely true, getting worse. Last night was horrible for me. I couldn’t sleep between being hot and in pain. Here I was completely exhausted and it took Tyler getting me ice, for my toes, for me to finally get to sleep. Besides the simple fact that I am sick of my foot and toe, I would like to be able to sleep through the whole night without having to be medicated. That would be nice. Tomorrow I go to the doc to get my toe scanned. Basically, we’re trying to see what the issue is. As of now it looks like that supposed severed tendon is the issue. If that is the case then I have three possible solutions. One, stretch and pull the tendon until it rips or rips out of the scar tissue. Ow. Two, let the doc cut the tendon up in my toe to fix the stuck problem. Three, have surgery, that may or may not take to, to repair the tendon. I’ve been told it’s a pretty full proof surgery, but then again even my fool proof surgeries don’t go that way. Ah, oh well. I’m trying not to worry about it, but how often does that ever work for anyone. Wish me luck!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Tristan, The Nephew

My nephew’s birthday is coming up on the 9th and I have to say that I am very excited for him to get his package in the mail. I finally finished his Christmas present. I know, I know, it is June. Well, medical reasons kept me from accomplishing it. I think it came out pretty good and I worked on it really hard. Jodon said he wouldn’t rat me out that it’s so late. Gotta love brothers. I haven’t met my very first nephew, not that I have a niece, I just don’t know what you would call the first kid that made you an Aunt. Unfortunately, between my ankle and the fact that he is on the other side of the country, I have not been able to meet him yet. I do get to see amazing pictures and videos thanks to his dad. I feel like I stalk my brother on the internet because I’m afraid I’ll miss something between him and my nephew. I’m not purposely excluding my sister-in-law, I just haven’t really spent time with her to get to know her. She seems nice and all, she just lives on the other side of the country and they don’t visit often. Even though I haven’t met my nephew, between the videos, pictures, and hearing him on the phone I feel like I sorta know him. I love that kid to death; I mean his is part of the family in all. I’m obligated to kill for him if necessary.

R is for Reiki

Yesterday my mom came home from her class that she had been at all day. She is working on becoming a Master Reiki. Which honestly, I think is really cool. She seems to really enjoy it, it makes her happy and she sees things differently now. She shows or tells me about some of the things she learned at her classes. Things from distance Reiki to crystal charts. I knew when I was younger that I was interested in Metaphysics, but now I’m seeing and learning about things I would never have dreamed of. Ok, that isn’t completely true. I do dream about quite a lot of strange things. If you ever get a chance to learn about Reiki, you really should. I know when you first hear about It, it seems really weird. The whole transferring of negative energy and positive energy can seem kind of silly. Well, I can tell you first hand that it’s not. My mom practices on me and I really believe she has helped me get as far as I have in physical therapy. Did it completely fix me? No, but what can? Even surgery leaves you stranded healing yourself for at least a few days. Reiki though, is not invasive and the person doesn’t even have to touch you. Every time my mom does it, I fall dead asleep in minutes and I sleep like a log that night. Normally she has to do it at night because after I wander around like I got his with an elephant tranquilizer. I have a feeling that me medicated or after Reiki, is probably how I would be if I was ever drunk. I’m not saying change your beliefs or anything like that. Just look into it and try it once. Just because you believe in a different religion, doesn’t mean it won’t help. I mean, massage and acupuncture come from other cultures and beliefs, so why can’t another amazing thing?